Donate to the Child Liberation Foundation

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Learn About Our New Projects

The Anchor Project

Aims to provide healing workshops for children and young adults in safe houses, foster care, and orphanages who have suffered from abuse. The workshops focus on mind-body-heart and spirit connection, utilizing various forms of arts. The project envisions creating, throughout this year, a total of around 50 workshops in Latin America which are all centered around three central workshops. Which would be: Unleashing the Healing Power of Music, Empowering Trauma Recovery Through Dance and Movement, and Connecting with the Medicine of the Elements.

Liberating Wings (Alas Liberadoras)

It is a program designed to provide support to safehouses addressing the needs of individuals rescued from trafficking and sexual trauma. The program focuses on constructing safehouse extensions that host a variety of wellness initiatives. The program offers workshops that last 4-7 consecutive days, offers capacitation and each wing involves a huge force of facilitators and toots for each person to be educated on. Such wings are Fairy Wings, Trade Wings, Warrior Wings, and Gaia or Pacha Mama Wings.

Guardian AI

It is an advanced solution in combating child trafficking, offering features such as anonymous reporting, information dissemination, and danger assessment. The bot assesses danger levels and aims to prevent trafficking incidents, support mental well-being, aid abuse victims, and reunite families, embodying hope for a safer and brighter future.


Provides backpacks for children and women who have escaped human traffickers, offering essential hygiene items. Each item is a gesture of warmth and support for those seeking safety in the US, reinforcing the foundation’s commitment to the frontlines against human trafficking.

Empowered Teach

Is a series of educational booklets designed specifically for teachers, providing skills to recognize, prevent, and address human trafficking issues within their educational settings to assist in its prevention. Our goal is to have 10 thousand booklets across the world and in different languages.